Industry leader in the automotive brake light since 2016.



We invented Blinking Brake Lights because we care about drivers’ safety. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, rear impact collisions result in more injuries than any other type of automobile accident every year. However, with Blinking Brake Lights, the reaction time of people driving behind you is reduced, which ultimately lessens your chances of being rear-ended.


“Safety isn’t expensive, it’s priceless.”

Jeffrey Huerto  | Founder



80% of all car accidents are rear end collision.

Avoid becoming a victim and a statistic. Steer Clear!

When you are out on the road, it is important that other road users can see you. It is harder when it is dark outside or the weather is bad. You are more likely to be outside in weather like snow and fog when visibility is minimal. Sometimes in the year, it begins to get darker earlier on in the day, which means there is more chance of you being outside when it goes dark. What’s more? The driver of the rear vehicle may be distracted, impaired or under the influence of alcohol. You don’t want to be a victim.

Statistics show that Rear-end crashes account for more than 29 percent of all crashes; these types of crashes often result from a failure to respond (or delays in responding) to a stopped or decelerating lead vehicle (NHTSA, 2007).


